Monday 7 May 2012

Fair Work Australia: HSU Report

Police Raids. FWA investigation into HSU. What Next?

It would appear, not only the days of the HSU East branch, but Michael Williamson, and Craig Thomson's days, are numbered. Only four days ago, the offices of HSU East branch, on Pitt street Sydney, were the target of a police raid, by the NSW police fraud squad. Detective Superintendent Colin Dyson, of the fraud and cybercrime squad, told a packed media conference, that Mr. Williamson, had been caught removing documents from his HSU office, and into the building's carpark.

     Craig Thomson, however, still denies any wrong doing, and is now pointing the finger to Mr. Williamson, the man that only two weeks ago, was standing by. While Mr. Thomson proclaims his innocence, Fair Work Australia have filed their report to the federal court. The FWA investigation, which took longer than the Korean war, has taken a lot of people by surprise. The FWA report was quite damning, as it revealed many breaches of financial trust, and systemic failures in its organisational structure and business culture.  
     As the FWA report takes on a new chapter in the courts, the work of the NSW and Victorian police forces is still on going, with mountains of evidence to chew down, and almost certain arrests to follow. All while I'll put my money on charges being brought down on Thomson and Williamson, it probably won't come soon enough for an early election, although, stranger things have happened. Watch this space!

Prime Minister: Julia Gillard
Gillard Leadership Challenge

On the eve of the federal budget, the prime minister has yet another dark cloud hovering over her head, as the labor caucus go back to the battle room, for yet another leadership challenge. Supporters of the previous Gillard contention, have been given a battering in the polls, and by their future boss, Bill Shorten, who is rallying his troops behind a Rudd challenge. It is unclear if Rudd will have a third challenger, but what is certain, is he has the absolute and unconditional backing of the labor caucus. Even though many of his new supporters have previously publicly and viciously criticised him, the only thing on their minds is making sure their current leader, Julia Gillard, is not returned as their leader.  

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