Sunday 29 April 2012

Gillard Pushes Thomson

Craig Thomson no longer Gillard's problem
             Photo courtesy courier mail

Today disgraced labor MP, Craig Thomson withdrew his membership from the ALP, in a bid to avoid further distraction from the Government, in the lead up to budget week, in what is to be a testing time for the Gillard Government.

Last night, Prime Minister Julia Gillard, personally phoned Mr. Thomson, instructing him to resign from the ALP, and stand as an independent. Although Prime Minister Gillard has publicly said, standing down Mr. Thomson was the right thing to do morally, it still raises questions as to why the change of heart now all of a sudden, and why will Mr. Thomson be allowed to vote in the house of parliament? 

Of course, it wouldn't have anything to do with Bill Shorten bluing with the Prime Minister, in the quiet shadows of the PM's office, over the mishandling of Peter Slipper, and Thomson over such a long period of time. Shorten is furious at how long this "freak show" has been aloud to go on, under the leadership of Julia Gillard. In fact, the tension is so bad amongst labor MP's, Bill Shorten has called on his labor MP's, for a vote of no confidence in his leader. 

Only time will tell, if the fate of Craig Thomson, lies at the mercy of the two state police investigations into HSU credit card mishandlings, and the HSU all together.

As far as the numbers in the house of representatives, as it currently stands, it would appear unlikely that there would be any change, given that Mr. Thomson still holds a vote, and would support the Govt, and the independents have all but ruled out a vote of no confidence in the Govt. Before the Slipper affair, the Govt held 73 votes to 71, that number is now likely to be a level playing field, if no movement at the station.

The Government now finds itself in more hot water than ever before, with the latest newspoll elevating the coalition to 58.5%, on a two party preferred basis, with an increase of 1.5% since last survey. The next survey will include the 300th illegal boat arrival since labor tore up John Howard's "pacific solution" policy, the fresh Slipper allegations, and of course, the Govt's poor handling of the Craig Thomson affair.

What will be more damaging for the Gillard Govt, is today's latest attempt to shrug off any bad publicity hindering the Government's policy pushes. Again, a bad managerial decision by Gillard, which is so often dished out and publicly perceived as a political stunt, because that's exactly what it is.

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