Friday 11 May 2012

Craig Thomson claims he was set up

NSW Fraud Squad 
Likely To Charge 
Thomson With Fresh New Charges

Inspector Col Dyson who headed the NSW fraud squad, is said to have gathered enough evidence to prosecute Thomson with at least a dozen new charges relating to improper use of a credit card.

Thomson's lawyer Mr. McArdle is also under investigation for falsifying a statement which stated Mr. Thomson had no way of paying for his legal fees all while Thomson's lawyer Mr. McArdle, had forged an agreement with NSW Labor power brokers, to foot Thomson's legal bills in exchange for propping up Govt.

Below is a televised interview Thomson did with Laurie Oakes last year before his house was raided by Victoria Fraud and Extortion Squad Detectives.

Craig Thomson has today told Laurie Oakes, in an extraordinary Nine interview on weekend today, that he was set up by a current union official, in a very dysfunctional union at that stage. Thomson claims that a union official made threats against him,  in company of several people back in 2004, and made enemies because he told union officials that his "successor not being his successor". The threat according to Mr. Thomson was a fabricated story to implicate him to "hook up hookers". When asked to explain the credit card transactions made between 2004 and 2007, Mr. Thomson argued that all expenses were accounted for by himself, and that there wasn't any sufficient evidence that could be used in court. Mr. Navaros chief investigator, says police were also investigating several transactions that were made prior to 2004/2007, back in 2002. When asked to explain these transactions by Laurie Oakes, Mr. Thomson denied any wrong doing and said in 2002, it was a union that was bitterly divided, and closed down it's main office and opened HSU-east. However, Mr. Thomson notes, that there may have been fraudulent use of credit cards, but at the hands of disgruntled union officials.

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