Thursday 12 April 2012


This week I visited the Sydney Royal Easter Show. Apart from the airport prices, lines of people, and drowning of entertainers and vendors over public address announcements, the show offered the usual class vigour of displays in the exhibit hall, and various arenas. Surprisingly, the only huge lines experienced were in the dog pavilion. The lines to the amusement rides were long, but moved fairly quickly during the day, and increased heavily into the night, as people took advantage of the budget twilight entry passes.

The main food pavilion is always a crowd favourite, and sponsor Woolworths milked it for everything it was worth, by recreating its fresh food isle. Steggles, sole sponsor of poultry hall, spent all their money on self promotion rather than adequately caging the birds in decent sized pens. They obviously put all their eggs in one basket.

Full points to the organisation and logistics of the show, especially transport. Food, toilets and ATM's were easily locatable and in substantial supply. Police, security and emergency services were also highly visible and on hand to meet any incident. I personally gave the show an eight out of ten for overall satisfaction. However, I still think the show could be more affordable overall.

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