Thursday 22 September 2011

Save 2UE Radio Presenter Mike Smith

 Help Mike Smith Petition

It is unimaginable to think in 2011, while countries such as Libya, Egypt, Iraq, and Afghanistan, are celebrating peace and freedom of speech, Australia is suffering from its own form of oppression, and it's called:- Julia Gillard! Our own Prime Minister has put a gagging order on parts of the Australian media that don't fall in line to the Govt's way of thinking.

2UE Talk Host Mike Smith was one many victims of Ms Gillard's rave attack on the Australian media. Apparently, if you don't agree with Julia, your out of a gig. Andrew Bolt, newspaper columnist, radio broadcaster and t.v. presenter has also fallen at the mercy of Julia Gillard. It appears this Woman will say and do just about anything to save her job.

If you are outraged that a leading Sydney radio station can be easily intimidated at the hands of our Prime Minister, then you should be. Mr Smith hasn't committed an offense under the communication or broadcasting act, or FARB (Federation of Australian Radio Broadcasting), so why has 2UE taken Mr. Smith off the air?


Go to the link below and sign the online petition now and have your say today about what used to be our democratic right to have an opinion.">Support Michael Smith | Reinstate him to 2UE Petition | GoPetition</a>

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