Tuesday 13 September 2011

It's now been ten years since the event that changed the world forever. September 11th, is a date that's transfixed in the minds of millions of people right around the world. Like the assassination of JFK and John Lennon, the sight of commercial passenger planes crashing into the world trade center is an image that every one of us will remember for the rest of our lives.

After ten years of war on terrorism, tightened airport security, changes to anti-terrorism laws, and billions of dollars spent on military and intelligence agencies, is the threat of terrorism still real, or are we any safer than we were prior to September 11?

The truth to that question is, we are probably no safer now than what we were prior to 9/11, but we are far more prepared and alert. World intelligence agencies are working more closely and cooperatively with another, thus, giving law enforcement agencies the cutting edge in dealing with international terrorism.

The most significant change though in the last ten years, is fear. I think post 9/11, people are more fearful of an attack on their homeland or way of life than previously been ever before. When you look at how many terrorist attacks that have occurred in the last ten years around the world, there have been hundreds. Spain, London, Russia, Bali, Indonesia, India, Pakistan, to name a few.

I remember days after the 9/11 attacks, the U.S. Govt encouraged its citizens to get back to business, to carry on living. President Bush said this is the perfect way to send a clear message to the terrorists that you can't bring down our freedom nor our spirit, that is something that will always remain the property of the people of the USA.

From what we have witnessed this week, the U.S. has proved it can rebuild from a clear and present danger, but the healing is forever ongoing. You can rebuild a city, but to rebuild a society stricken from evil may take a lot more time than ten years. It may even take an average lifetime.

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